This template is based on the latest NICE guidance to help guide the correct management and treatment choices for non-specific low back pain.

The template can be located in the following ways:

Auto Consultation> ardens PRESENTATIONS or, use the bottom left search bar in SystmOne. If using on a regular basis, save to F12 favourites for quick access. 

The template is split across separate tabs along the top or hyperlinks within the home page, this allows you to navigate to the appropriate section. 


The home page provides a view listing a summary of the record including MSK history, radiology results, problems, medications etc. 

You can also record encounter type and seen by codes. 


You'll notice the options within the Management section at the bottom of the template are initially 'greyed out'.  The appropriate management and advice will be highlighted once you've ticked the box in the Impression section.

Assessment allows you to quickly tick if the patient has reduced low back range of motion and nerve compression symptoms.

There is a quick link to Body Drawings to indicate the exact area of pain.

Use the drop down to change from male/female and use mouse button to draw, you can undo or delete using the arrow and red cross buttons.

The History, Examination and Red Flags free text boxes have presets available alongside.  

Click on the preset button (notepad icon) and add 1 or multiple lines of text by pressing & holding Ctrl on the keyboard and using mouse to select. The text can be edited once added to the template.

Clicking in to any of the Vitals fields will display coded historical results in the yellow pane to the right side of the template.  Manually type the new result into the appropriate box. 

Vitals & Lifestyle has more options available such as smoking/alcohol etc.

STarT Back Screening Tool can be used to determine a referral to physiotherapy.


Tick the box in order to access the Management advice below.

For convenience there are useful links to other resources and tick boxes to quickly document advice given.

Symptom Diary is available to print.

Med3 & Letters allows you to issue a new Med3 certificate, look at previously issued certs and also view all patient letters (without having to exit the template and go to Communications & Letters in the record). From the Med3 & Letters template, select the appropriate tab along the top to see All/Incoming or Outgoing letters.  To view a letter, right click on the letter required and View Content.

The AHP Advisory Fitness for Work report is available as a Word document to print.


The Analgesia formulary can be used to prescribe medication for pain relief.

Care Plan / Safety Netting document for Cauda Equina is also a Word document available to print.


Red Flags and with links to corresponding templates for possible conditions at the top of the template.


In order for the MSK referral drop down to activate, the criteria for specialist referral above must be ticked, otherwise only the criteria not met box is active. 


Contains links for information that can be sent to a patient via text/email.  If the URL is displayed on the template you can copy the link directly.  

Otherwise click the required link to navigate to the page and copy the URL from there.