The Care Co-ordinator template can be found under Auto-Consultation> ardens OTHER PROFESSIONALS

You can also add this as a separate button to your toolbar or add it to F12 for quick access.


It is important to note, the Blue Star tick box 'Seen by care coordinator' is a code required as part of the PCN DES contract and allows this code to be audited.  The report linked to this can be found in Clinical Reporting > Ardens > Team Activity > Care coordinator | Activity Last Month and also Activity Last Year.

All other coding & links on the template are optional but contain useful resources to assist you when talking to patients and adding notes onto SystmOne.

Record Care Co-ordinator provides a shortcut to the SystmOne relationships function so you can add Care Co-ordinator details such as name & contact telephone number. 


Care Team & Relationships allows you to add any other type of relationship the patient may have such as Next of Kin etc. You will also find 'carer' codes and boxes to tick if the patient is also under care of District Nurse, Mental Health services etc.

You may also find it useful to record the type of Encounter and type of Review from the drop-down boxes.

The Housing drop-down allows you to record a patients housing status, whether they are housebound or maybe live in a nursing home etc. The link next to this allows you to add further detail and specify whether they may have any difficulty with daily activities such as eating, dressing, bathing etc.


Click to open the Planning Ahead leaflet, this is a word document with information about making future decisions & plans for care.  The Leaflets button contains a list of Psychosocial hyperlinks which may be sent to patients by copying the link and paste into an SMS or email message.  Or click the link to print the web page.

There are drop-down fields to record if a patient has been signposted to other services in the community with links to leaflets for Lifestyle & Mental Wellbeing services, some of which may have been localised for your area with contact details for services for the patient to contact directly.

Referral allows you to code where a patient has been referred to, alongside this is a link to Communications for all of your local CCG referral forms (practices on Ardens Pro package only).

There are links at the bottom to record and generate a Future Care Plan and PCSP along with links to the patients LTC template, Safeguarding, MDT and the Scores template

Don't forget to OK the template and Save the record when completed.

When viewing information in the tabbed journal, it might be useful for Care Co-ordinators to create some Tabbed Journal Filters to make information easier to read.