This template can be located in the following ways:

  • Auto-Consultation > ardens CONDITIONS MENS HEALTH > PSA Monitoring
  • Use the search bar bottom left of SystmOne
  • General Consultation template (genitourinary tab - screening)
  • Embedded within other relevant Ardens templates

If using on a regular basis, save to F12 favourites for quick access.

Yellow Stars indicate codes required for Local Enhanced Services payments if applicable in your area.

For convenience there are links to other useful templates that maybe required whilst using PSA Monitoring.  This is to save closing the current template and opening another.

Phlebotomy enables you to view recent blood test results, record a blood sample taken and generate a new request to the lab.

Next to the invite drop down there is a link to the SystmOne Communications Annexe to invite by text/email or a pre-worded letter to print out. Below this is a Letter View, which enables you to view all incoming/outgoing letters (without having to look at Communications & Letters in the record). To view a letter in the list, right click and select View Content.

You can view or add results in the boxes.  Click into the box and any previous results will display in the yellow pane on the right side of the template.  To add a result, manually type the result in to the box, the drop down to the right of these fields allow you to add date of the result.

The window or View also shows recent results at a glance.

Further down you can add a date for Next PSA due, tick the box and either select the date from the calendar alongside or use the SystmOne shortcut method for any date field - ie. if their next PSA is due in 3 months - type '3m' in to the date field and SystmOne will automatically add the exact date without you having to scroll through a calendar.

This shortcut also works for days, weeks, months and years.  Type the number and simply add d, w, m or y next to it.

The Follow-Up template shows any pending appointments/visits, outstanding tasks, SystmOne recalls etc. There is a link to the Appointment Ledger, creating a task etc. if needing to arrange a follow-up appointment.

Referral to urology

Open the New Letter Word document to generate a referral letter.  This will auto populate with information from the patients record.


There are a number of reports to find patients on the register, had a referral, require monitoring etc.

Go to Reporting> Clinical Reporting > select the Ardens Ltd folder > Contracts | 2023 24 | Local Contracts > c Annual | All (or required month)

There are also alerts to identify patients that may need to be added to the monitoring register or need to be reviewed:

As above, once you have selected the Ardens Ltd folder, go to Conditions | Mens Health > Alerts