There may be situations when practices would like to be alerted to something in the patient record with a patient status alert under the patient's name. These are usually based on a report and can be linked to an existing Ardens report.

When a new patient status alert is published to an organisation group on SystmOne it is by default published as 'active'. Ardens therefore only produces certain patient status alerts, this is to avoid too many alerts that may cause distraction and performance issues. If your GP practice or organisation wishes to have a patient status alert for a specific Ardens report, please follow the simple steps below to create one of your own. This can always be published to other practices via a local organisations group on SystmOne. 

CAUTION: Please be aware that if you have multiple active patient status alerts on your SystmOne unit, especially if linked to large reports, this can cause performance issues on SystmOne when opening a patient record.

To create a patient status alert

1. Go to Setup > Data Output > Patient Status Alerts > New Patient Status Alert.

2. Details - Enter a name, category and select an icon to be used. Then select the trigger report and define the output when triggered, linking it to an action like a template.

3. Publish - You can then publish this locally or via an organisation group.