
The LTC Review process in Ardens uses a patients month of birth to recall the patient - however this can be overrided with another chosen month. Practices may wish to do this if a patient does not want to come in for their annual reviews around their birthday, or may want to align them with another family member. Practices also may want to change any patients born in Quarter 4 to an earlier date, so they have less patients to recall and less work to do towards the end of the QOF year.

Adding in a Patient Record

To do this, just open the 'Long Term Condition Review' template and click on the 'Invitations' tab and then click in the top right to open the 'Choose LTC Review Month' template.

Adding in Bulk

You can also do this in bulk. 

For QOF and Best Practice navigate to Arden's Ltd > LTC Reviews | QOF and Best Practice > 1 Register I Recall month

For QOF only navigate to Arden's Ltd > LTC Reviews | QOF only > 1 Register I Recall month

If you wanted to change all the current January recalls to December, run the applicable January report and then batch add the December month read code below followed by the confirmation code.

Month ChosenCode
JanuaryJan 1993 hyacinth (yz01.)
FebruaryFeb 1993 clematis (yz02.)
MarchMar 1993 daffodil (yz03.)
AprilApr 1993 wisteria (yz04.)
MayMay 1993 petunias (yz05.)
JuneJun 1993 freesias (yz06.)
JulyJul 1993 dianthus (yz07.)
AugustAug 1993 foxglove (yz08.)
SeptemberSep 1993 begonias (yz09.)
OctoberOct 1993 primrose (yz0A.)
NovemberNov 1993 primulas (yz0B.)
DecemberDec 1993 junipers (yz0C.)

Confirmation CodeChronic long term disease management required (XaKdU)