Last review date 03/02/2023

If you want to run a report to audit which of your patients has been assigned proxy access to another patient in SystmOnline this is how you can do it. 

Step 1

Go to Reporting > Clinical Reporting >  and click on 'New', give the report a name and category. Under 'Registration' go to 'Online Services' and tick the following options:

  • Registered for online services
  • Include users with proxy access
  • Only include users with proxy access (you cant select this unless the option above is selected) 

Click 'Ok' and run the report. 

Step 2

Once the report has run and you can see a green tick, right click on the report and select 'Breakdown Results' and select the following items under 'Online Registration'.

Once you have selected these click 'Refresh' at the top of the screen, then click 'Close' to go back to the list of reports. Right click the report name again and this time select 'Show Patients'. 

You should now see the list of patients who have proxy access and the name of the other person who has access rights to that patient record. And in the record you should see something like this.

There is currently no way to break down a report for proxy access to show the age of the patient whos record is accessed by a proxy.

The only other option if you have a long list is to go back to the break down options above and only select ‘Patient accessed NHS number’ > refresh and right click on any NHS number and go to 'Table' > 'Open as CSV' and save it to your desktop as a CSV file. 

Then go to Reporting > Misc Reports > Adhoc Patient List > Import CSV – find your CSV file on your desktop. This should then open up all your patients as an adhoc list and one of the columns is Age.

There are numerous development requests already submitted regarding proxy access reporting.